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Our History

Ugonmuta Foundation > Our History

In 2005, Ugonmuta Foundation for Educational Development was founded by Professor (Ichie) Francis O. Okafor. The primary aim for establishing the organisation is to promote and facilitate skills based functional education and training for the youths in general and the naturally challenged youths in particular to prepare them adequately for sustainable self employment and entrepreneurship.

The Foundaton’s mission guideline includes:-

  • Carrying out a sustained and multi dimensional advocacy program to create public awareness of the compelling need for skills based and functional education in modern society.
  • Providing financial and other forms of assistance for students at all levels of the educational ladder.
  • Providing financial and material assistance to educational institutions particularly primary and secondary schools.
  • Sponsoring qualified youths to acquire skills and professional training under accredited professional mentors.

Since it’s inception Ugonmuta Foundation has significantly impacted, directly or indirectly over 500,000 youths in Nigeria through it’s award-winning educational programs, life skills, entrepreneurship and leadership programs and so on.

Ugonmuta Foundation through the years:



Ugonmuta Foundation Was Founded

Ugonmuta Foundation was founded in 2005 by Professor (Ichie) Francis O. Okafor, a retired former Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, who is currently the principal financier.



Commencement of Activities

Activities started on different platforms, namely; The annual undergraduate essay competition with cash prizes for the first to the sixth winner, financial and other forms of assistance to educational institutions, organization and sponsorship of seminars, public lectures, workshops and conferences.



Incorporation of the Organization

Following successes achieved in carrying out its programs, the organization was duly registered as an incorporated trustee by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC/IT/NO 32356) on 4th May, 2009.



The 2021 Youth Entrepreneurship Development Workshop

The 2021 Youth Entrepreneurship Development Workshop was successfully held in collaboration with The Catholic Youth Organisation of Nigeria, Ekwulobia Diocese (CADEK), with the theme; Skills and Entrepreneurship, the prospects and challenges for Nigerian youths.

Support Us!

Support Ugonmuta Foundation and become a proud stakeholder in the process of promoting youths’ empowerment through functional and skills based education and training.